Test Name : AFB (Acid Fast Bacilli)
Description : AFB is a test used to identify the presence of M. tuberculosis bacilli in a specific sample. Ziehl-Nielsen method is used as its staining technique.
Specimen Needed : Sputum / CSF / Urine / pleural fluid / others
Preparation : Preferred samples are sputum, urine, and stool. Skin or soft tissue, blood, bone marrow, suprapubic bladder aspirate, CSF and other sterile body fluids, and aseptically collected tissue samples should be free from contamination.
Please call ABC Labs for sputum collection procedure.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : AFP (Alpha-Fetoprotein)
Description : This screening test measures the level of AFP in the mother’s blood and indicates the probability that the fetus has one of several serious birth defects. Outside pregnancy, the AFP test is used to detect liver disease, certain cancerous tumors, and to monitor the progress of cancer treatment.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme found in several tissues throughout the body. The highest concentrations of ALP are present in the cells that comprise bone and the liver. ALP is elevated in diseases of the skeletal system, hyperparathyroidism, rickets and osteomalacia, as well as with fractures and malignant tumors. A considerable rise in ALP activity is also seen is children and juveniles due to increased osteoblast activity following accelerated bone growth.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : AMYLASE
Description : This test is primarily performed to diagnose or monitor diseases of the pancreas. It may also detect some digestive tract problems. Amylase is an enzyme that helps digest glycogen and starch. It is produced mainly in the salivary glands and pancreas. When the pancreas is diseased or inflamed, amylase escapes into the blood.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : ANA (Antinuclear Antibody)
Description : The ANA test is one of the primary tests for helping to diagnose a suspected autoimmune disorder or rule out other conditions with similar signs and symptoms. Antinuclear antibody (ANA) is used as an aid in the diagnosis of patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : SEROLOGY
Description : Anti-CCP is used for the detection of rheumatoid arthritis which is the most common type of autoimmune arthritis. It is triggered by a faulty immune system (the body’s defense system) and affects the wrist and small joints of the hand, including the knuckles and the middle joints of the fingers.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Every Thursday (cut-off Wednesday)
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : ANTI-HAV IgG/IgM
Description : Ant-HAV IgM is the first-line diagnostic test for acute Hepatitis A. Anti-HAV IgG aids in the screening for immunity prior to vaccination.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : ANTI-TPO (Anti-thyroid peroxidase)
Description : Thyroperoxidase (TPO) is an enzyme involved in thyroid hormone synthesis, catalyzing the oxidation of iodide on tyrosine residues in thyroglobulin for the synthesis of triiodothyronine and thyroxine (tetraiodothyronine). TPO is a membrane-associated hemoglycoprotein expressed only in thyrocytes and is one of the most important thyroid gland antigens. Disorders of the thyroid gland are frequently caused by autoimmune mechanisms with the production of autoantibodies. Anti-TPO antibodies activate complement and are thought to be significantly involved in thyroid dysfunction and the pathogenesis of hypothyroidism.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Monday (Cut-off: Saturday)
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time)
Description : The aPTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) test is used when someone has unexplained bleeding or clotting. Along with the PT test (which evaluates the extrinsic and common pathways of the coagulation cascade), the aPTT is often used as a starting place when investigating the cause of a bleeding or thrombotic (blood clot) episode. It is often used with recurrent miscarriages which may be associated with anticardiolipin or antiphospholipid antibodies. This test specifically assesses the function of the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation.
Specimen Needed : Submit freshly collected plasma sample. Collect whole blood in 3.2 % sodium citrate tube (blue top) in the stated tube volume. Thoroughly mix the blood by gently inverting 3-4 times immediately after blood draw. Centrifugation should be performed within 1 hour of collection. Plasma should be removed within 1 hour of collection. Transfer plasma into a plastic tube using a plastic pasteur pipette or pipette tip. Do not use glass tubes or glass Pasteur Pipette as glass can activate the clotting cascade. Label each tube “plasma.” If you are requesting other tests that require serum, please label the tube as “serum.” To ensure accurate and reliable result, the sample should be ideally processed within 24 hours after blood collection and must be transported at room temperature.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : SEROLOGY
Test Name : ASOT (Anti-Streptolysin O Titer)
Description : Antistreptolysin O Titer. A blood test that looks for antibodies to the streptococcus A bacteria.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : HORMONES
Description : This test aids in the diagnosis of pregnancy. This is also useful for the recognition and monitoring of chorionic tumors and as a tumor marker for other malignancies that produce HCG ectopically.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : BILIRUBIN (Direct, Indirect or Total)
Description : A bilirubin test measures the amount of bilirubin in a blood sample. Bilirubin is a brownish yellow substance found in bile. It is produced when the liver breaks down old red blood cells. Bilirubin is then removed from the body through the stool (feces) and gives stool its normal brown color.
Bilirubin circulates in the bloodstream in two forms:
Indirect (or unconjugated) bilirubin. This form of bilirubin does not dissolve in water (it is insoluble). Indirect bilirubin travels through the bloodstream to the liver, where it is changed into a soluble form (direct or conjugated).
Direct (or conjugated) bilirubin. Direct bilirubin dissolves in water (it is soluble) and is made by the liver from indirect bilirubin.
Direct bilirubin dissolves in water (it is soluble) and is made by the liver from indirect bilirubin.
When bilirubin levels are high, the skin and sclera (white parts of the eye) may appear yellow (jaundice). Jaundice may be caused by liver disease (hepatitis), blood disorders (hemolytic anemia), or blockage of the tubes (bile ducts) that allow bile to pass from the liver to the small intestine.
Specimen Needed : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST. If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample. If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen. Specimen must be sent and processed within 24 hours after collection. Protect from light; cover test tube with carbon paper.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : Bleeding Time
Description : Bleeding Time is a test used to assess a persons platelet functions. It involves making a patient bleed and being timed on how long the patient will bleed. The results are reported in seconds or minutes. Duke method is used wherein it involves a patient being pricked on his/her fingertip with the use of a lancet. The duration of the bleeding is timed using a blotting paper and clock/timer.
Specimen Needed : Capillary blood
Preparation : None (For Walk-In Patients Only)
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : CHEMISTRY
Description : Ketones are produced when the body burns fat for energy or fuel. They are also produced when you lose weight or if there is not enough insulin to help your body use sugar for energy. Without enough insulin, glucose builds up in the blood. Since the body is unable to use glucose for energy, it breaks down fat instead. When this occurs, ketones form in the blood and spill into the urine.
Specimen Needed : Whole Blood
Preparation : Collect whole blood in EDTA tubes. Mix thoroughly to avoid clotting. Specimen must be sent and processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : ABO Blood typing is a method to tell what specific type of blood you have. What type you have depends on whether or not there are certain proteins, called antigens, on the red blood cells or if there are antibodies to these substances.
Blood is often grouped according to the ABO blood typing system. This method breaks blood types down into four categories:
• Type A
• Type B
• Type O
• Type AB
Specimen Needed : Whole Blood
Preparation : Collect whole blood in EDTA tube (lavender top). Thoroughly mix the blood with additives by gently inverting the tubes eight times. Maintain the specimen at room temperature or on cool packs before submitting to the laboratory. Never freeze whole blood. Avoid submitting clotted specimen, under filled or not proportion to anticoagulant, hemolyzed specimen and dilution of blood in IV fluids. Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time: 24 HR
Test Name : C-PEPTIDE
Description : Useful in the evaluation of pancreatic beta cell function and for determining the source of insulin in patients with hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia.
Specimen Needed : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST. If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample. If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen. Avoid having radioisotope scan prior to collection of specimen. Patient should fast at least 10 hours for basal values.
Running : Wednesday (Cut-off: Tuesday)
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : SEROLOGY
Description : C-reactive protein (CRP) test is a blood test that measures the amount of a protein called C-reactive protein in your blood. C-reactive protein measures general levels of inflammation in your body.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : CA 125 (Ovarian Cancer Tumor Marker)
Description : CA 125 is a protein produced by some ovarian cancers. It circulates in the blood so it can be measured and detected with a blood test. Some other descriptions that detect CA 125 are endometriosis, fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease and pregnancy.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : CA 15-3 (Breast Cancer Marker)
Description : CA 15-3 is used as a tumor marker to monitor a patient’s response to breast cancer treatment and to closely monitor for breast cancer recurrence.CA 15-3 is sometimes also used to give a doctor additional information about where the cancer may have spread (such as into the bones or the liver) and a general sense of how much cancer may be present.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : CA 19-9 (Pancreatic Cancer Marker)
Description : CA 19-9’s main use is as a tumor marker to help differentiate between cancer of the pancreas and bile ducts and other non-cancerous conditions, such as pancreatitis; to monitor a patient’s response to pancreatic cancer treatment; and to watch for pancreatic cancer recurrence.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : CALCIUM
Description : Blood calcium is tested to screen for, diagnose, and monitor a range of conditions relating to the bones, heart, nerves, kidneys, and teeth. Blood calcium levels do not directly tell how much calcium is in the bones, but rather, how much calcium is circulating in the blood.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : CEA (Carcino Embryonic Antigen)
Description : The carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) test measures the amount of this protein that may appear in the blood of some people who have certain kinds of cancers, especially large intestine (colon and rectal) cancer. It may also be present in people with cancer of the pancreas, breast, ovary, or lung. CEA is normally produced during the development of a fetus. The production of CEA stops before birth, and it usually is not present in the blood of healthy adults.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : VIROLOGY
Description : This test is used in the diagnosis of Chlamydia infection. Chlamydia trachomatis is an intracellular parasite pathogen. It is the most common sexually transmitted disease reported annually. The main sites of infection include the GU tract and rectum but conjunctivitis and perihepatitis and reactive arthritis may result. Chlamydia IgG indicates past or recent infection. Chlamydia IgM indicates recent infection.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : CHEMISTRY
Test Name : CHLORIDE
Description : Chloride testing is frequently ordered, along with other electrolytes, as part of a regular physical. These tests may also be ordered to evaluate symptoms such as prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, and respiratory distress. If an electrolyte imbalance is detected, the doctor will look for and address the disease, condition, or medication causing the imbalance and may order electrolyte testing at regular intervals to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : CHOLESTEROL (HDL, LDL, Total)
Description : Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance found among the lipids (fats) in the bloodstream and in all your body’s cells. Cholesterol and other fats can’t dissolve in the blood. They have to be transported to and from the cells by special carriers called lipoproteins. There are several kinds, but the ones to focus on are low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL).
Low-density lipoprotein is the major cholesterol carrier in the blood. If too much LDL cholesterol circulates in the blood, it can slowly build up in the walls of the arteries feeding the heart and brain. Together with other substances it can form plaque, a thick, hard deposit that can clog those arteries.
About one-third to one-fourth of blood cholesterol is carried by HDL. Medical experts think HDL tends to carry cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver, where it’s passed from the body. Some experts believe HDL removes excess cholesterol from plaques and thus slows their growth. HDL cholesterol is known as good cholesterol because a high HDL level seems to protect against heart attack.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Specimen must be sent within 24 hours after collection. Patient should fast a minimum of 8 hours ; maximum of 12 hours.
Cholesterol (LDL and VLDL) – must be requested with Total Cholesterol, HDL and Triglycerides.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : Serum cholinesterase is a blood test that looks at certain enymes (acetylcholinesterase and pseudocholinesterase) that help the nervous system work properly. Most patients needed to be tested are those with exposure to and/or poisoned by certain organophosphate chemicals found in pesticides. It is also used to identify individuals with inherited pseudocholinesterase deficiency before they are given anesthesia with the muscle relaxant succinylcholine or to help determine the cause of prolonged apnea after surgical anesthesia.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : CK-MB (Creatine Kinase-MB)
Description : Creatine Kinase-MB is an enzyme that is found mostly in the heart. It determines if the patient had a heart attack. It is also used for monitoring the effectiveness of administration of clot-dissolving drugs.
Specimen Needed : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST. If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample. If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen. Specimen must be sent and processed within 24 hours after collection. Avoid exercise before venipuncture. Increase in value may be anticipated in the immediate postoperative period following surgical procedures involving incision through muscle.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : CK-MM (Creatine Kinase-MM)
Description : Creatine Kinase-MM is used in conjunction with CK-MB and CK to diagnose heart and muscle diseases. CK-MM is the third isotype of CK which is predominantly found in skeletal muscles. Must be requested with CK and CKMB.
Specimen Needed : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST. If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample. If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen. Specimen must be sent and processed within 24 hours after collection. Avoid exercise before venipuncture. Increase in value may be anticipated in the immediate postoperative period following surgical procedures involving incision through muscle.
CK-MM must be requested with CK and CK-MB.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : Clotting Time
Description : Clotting Time is a coagulation test used to measure the body’s ability to clot blood within an acceptable time frame. Testing can help a physician assess a patient’s risk for excessive bleeding or thrombosis.
Specimen Needed : Capillary Blood
Preparation : None (For Walk-In Patients Only)
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : CMV IgG/IgM (Cytomegalovirus IgG/IgM)
Description : Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a ubiquitous human viral pathogen believed to be the most common cause of congenital infections in humans. CMV IgG result is an indication of present or past infection. The presence of CMV IgM suggests a recent CMV exposure but does not differentiate between primary infection and reactivation.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : C3 (COMPLEMENT 3)
Description : C3 is the most abundant complement protein in human serum. Increased levels are found in numerous inflammatory states as an acute phase reactant. Measurement of this protein aids in the diagnosis of immunological disorders, especially those associated with complement component deficiencies.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : CBC w/ PC is used as a broad screening test to check for such disorders as anemia, infection, and many other diseases. It is a panel of tests that examines different parts of the blood and includes the following:
• White blood cell (WBC) count is a count of the actual number of white blood cells per volume of blood.
• Red blood cell (RBC) count is a count of the actual number of red blood cells per volume of blood. Hemoglobin measures the amount of oxygen-carrying protein in the blood.
• Hematocrit measures the percentage of red blood cells in a given volume of whole blood.
• The platelet count is the number of platelets in a given volume of blood. Both increases and decreases can point to abnormal conditions of excess bleeding or clotting.
Specimen Needed : Whole Blood in EDTA tube
Preparation : Collect whole blood in EDTA tube (lavender top). Thoroughly mix the blood with additives by gently inverting the tubes eight times. Maintain the specimen at room temperature or on cool packs before submitting to laboratory. Never freeze whole blood. Avoid submitting clotted specimen, under filled or overfilled (not proportion to anticoagulant), hemolyzed specimen and dilution of blood in IV fluids is also not acceptable. Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : Coombs’ test looks for antibodies that may bind to a person’s red blood cells and cause premature red blood cell destruction (hemolysis). Coombs’ test may also be referred to as Direct Antiglobulin Test or Anti-Human Globulin Test. It helps diagnose the cause of hemolytic anemia as caused by autoimmune disease or induced by drugs, to investigate a blood transfusion reaction and to diagnose hemolytic disease of the newborn.
Specimen Needed : Whole blood in EDTA tube
Preparation : Collect whole blood in EDTA tube (lavender top). Thoroughly mix the blood with additives by gently inverting the tubes eight times. Maintain the specimen at room temperature or on cool packs before submitting to laboratory. Never freeze whole blood. Avoid submitting clotted specimen, under filled or overfilled (not proportion to anticoagulant), hemolyzed specimen and dilution of blood in IV fluids is also not acceptable. Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : Indirect Coomb’s Test, Indirect
Description : The Indirect Coombs test (also known as the indirect antiglobulin test or IAT) is used to detect in-vitro antibody-antigen reactions. It is used to detect very low concentrations of antibodies present in a patient’s plasma/serum prior to a blood transfusion.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : HORMONES
Test Name Cortisol
Description : Cortisol is used as an aid in the direct assessment of adrenal function. It is best measured in the morning (8 AM) when evaluating for possible adrenal insufficiency, and best measured in the afternoon (4 PM) to differentiate normal and Cushing syndrome subjects.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : CK (Creatine Kinase)
Description : This test is used as a marker of myocardial infarction until 12 hours after appearance of symptoms. It is also involved in disease states such as myxedema, trauma, surgery, exercise and intramuscular injections. Creatine kinase (CK) is an enzyme found in the heart, brain, skeletal muscle, and other tissues. Increased amounts of CK are released into the blood when there is muscle damage.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
Avoid exercise before venipuncture. Increase in value may be anticipated in the immediate postoperative period following surgical procedures involving incision through muscle.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : Creatinine
Description : A creatinine test reveals important information about your kidney. Creatinine is a chemical waste produced by muscle metabolism. Healthy kidneys filter creatinine and other waste products from your blood. The filtered waste products leave your body in your urine. If your kidneys aren’t functioning properly, an increased level of creatinine may accumulate in your blood. A serum creatinine test measures the level of creatinine in your blood and gives you an estimate of how well your kidneys filter (glomerular filtration rate). A creatinine urine test can measure creatinine in your urine.
Specimen Needed :
Serum: Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST. If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample. If using sst, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen. Specimen must be processed sent and processed within 24 hours after collection.
Urine: Collect urine in a clear container. Refrigerate urine immediately after collection. Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : CREATININE – 24 hour Urine
Description : Creatinine and Creatinine Clearance tests measure the level of the waste product creatinine in your blood and urine. These tests tell how well your kidneys are working. The substance creatinine is formed when food is changed into energy through a process called metabolism. Creatine is broken down into another substance called creatinine, which is taken out of your blood by the kidneys and then passed out of your body in urine.
Specimen Needed : Urine
Preparation : If the specimen is a 24-hour collection, instruct the patient to void at 8am and discard the specimen, then collect all urine including the final specimen voided at the end of the 24-hour collection period (i.e., 8 am the next morning). Keep specimen on ice during collection. Container must be properly labeled. Requisition should indicate date and time of collection. Incomplete collection will be rejected. Specimen must be sent and processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : Culture & Sensitivity
Description : A culture is done to find out what kind of organism (usually a bacteria) is causing an illness or infection.
A sensitivity test checks to see what kind of medicine, such as an antibiotic, will work best to treat the illness or infection.
A culture is done by collecting a sample of fluid or tissue and then rubbing the sample onto a special plate with prepared medium (culture). If there are bacteria in the sample, they will grow in the culture, usually within a few days.
Specimen Needed : Blood, Throat Swab, Urine, Wound, Stool, Sputum, CSF, Ear Discharge, Cervical Discharge, Penile Discharge, pleural fluid, bronchial washings, exudates etc.
Preparation : Call Lab for instructions
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time :
Blood : 8 days
Other specimens : 3-5 days
Category : VIROLOGY
Test Name : DENGUE IgG/IgM
Description : Dengue hemorrhagic fever and Dengue shock syndrome are caused by infection of the RNA flavivirus transmitted by a mosquito vector. Paired acute and convalescent specimens that exhibit a significant change in titer are useful to confirm clinical diagnosis of infection. Dengue IgG indicates past or recent infection. Dengue IgM indicates recent infection.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : VIROLOGY
Test Name : Dengue NS1
Description : NS1 antigen test (NS1 stands for Non-structural 1 protein), is a test for Dengue virus that allows rapid detection of first day of fever, before antibodies appear some 5 or more days later.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : HORMONES
Test Name : DHEA-S (Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate)
Description : To help evaluate adrenal gland function; to detect adrenal tumors or cancers; to help determine the cause of masculine physical characteristics (virilization) in girls and women or early puberty in boys. This test is used in the differential diagnosis of hirsute or virilized female patients. About 10% of hirsute women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome have elevated DHEA-S but normal levels of other androgens.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : DRUG TEST SCREENING (Methamphetamine/Tetrahydrocannabinol)
Description : Drug testing is a screening test used to detect presence/use of prohibited drugs in the body. Urine testing is the most popular form of drug testing. Urine testing detects leftover traces of drugs, called metabolites, long after the psychoactive effects (being stoned/ bombed/peaking) of the drug, and the drug itself, may have left your body.
Specimen Needed : Urine collected in 60-mL screw capped wide-mouthed container
Preparation : Call Lab for instructions
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : DsDNA (Double-Stranded DNA)
Description : Double-stranded DNA is one of the diagnostic criteria for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. IgG antibodies to dsDNA are considered clinically most useful for the diagnosis and management of SLE.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate)
Description : ESR is an easy, inexpensive, nonspecific test that has been used for many years to help diagnose conditions associated with acute and chronic inflammation, including infections, cancers, and autoimmune diseases. ESR is said to be nonspecific because increased ESR value do not tell the doctor exactly where the inflammation is in your body or what is causing it, and also because it can be affected by other conditions besides inflammation. For this reason, ESR is typically used in conjunction with other tests.
Specimen Needed : Whole Blood in black-top tube
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a black top tube. Thoroughly mix the blood with additives by gently inverting the tubes eight times. Maintain the specimen at room temperature or on cool packs before submitting to our laboratory. Never freeze whole blood. Avoid submitting clotted specimen, under filled or overfilled (not proportion to anticoagulant), hemolyzed specimen and dilution of blood in IV fluids are also not acceptable. Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : HORMONES
Description : Estradiol is measured to determine the estrogen status of women and as a guide to monitoring follicular development during induction of ovulation. It is also used to assess estrogen production in males.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Tun-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : Fecalysis
Description : This is a stool analysis that includes macroscopic and microscopic analysis of the feces. This test aids in the diagnosis of certain conditions affecting the digestive tract. These conditions can include infection (such as from viruses, parasites, or bacteria), poor nutrient absorption or cancer.
Specimen Needed : Stool sample collected in a clean container.
Preparation : Collect pea-sized fresh random stool in clean container. If stool is collected in a clean bedpan, it must not be contaminated with urine, residual soap, or disinfectants. Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection. Refrigerate if delayed.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : Diagnostic procedure sometimes used to investigate superficial (just under the skin) lumps or masses. In this technique, a thin, hollow needle is inserted into the mass to extract cells that will be examined under a microscope.
Specimen Needed : FNAB slides
Preparation : Call Lab for instructions
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 1 to 2 weeks
Category : HORMONES
Test Name : Free PSA
Description : The free-PSA test measures the percentage of unbound PSA. Physicians measure free PSA in patients with a total PSA level between 4 ng/ml and 10 ng/ml. Studies have shown that men with a total PSA in this “gray area” and a free PSA greater than 25% are more likely to have a benign condition than to have cancer, making a biopsy unnecessary. Men with a total PSA in the same range and a free PSA below 10% need to have a biopsy.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Every Saturday (Cut-off: Friday)
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : HORMONES
Test Name : FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
Description : Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is used in the diagnosis of gonadal function disorders.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : FT3 (Free Triiodothyronine)
Description : Free triiodothyronine (FT3) is used to diagnose hyperthyroidism and to clarify thyroid status in the presence of a possible protein binding abnormality.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : FT4 (Free thyroxine)
Description : Free thyroxine (FT4) is used to assess thyroid status in patients with abnormal total T4 concentrations. It can be used to differentiate euthyroid hyperthyroxinemia from hyperthyroidism and euthyroid hyperthyroxinemia from hypothyroidism.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : GGTP (Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase)
Description : Elevated GGT is found in all forms of liver disease. Measurement of GGT is used in the diagnosis and treatment of alcoholic cirrhosis, as well as primary and secondary liver tumors. It is more sensitive than alkaline phosphatase, the transaminases, and leucine aminopeptidase in detecting obstructive jaundice, cholangitis and cholecystitis. Normal levels of GGT are seen in skeletal diseases; thus, GGT in serum can be used to ascertain whether a disease, suggested by elevated alkaline phosphatase, is skeletal or hepatobiliary.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : FBS (Fasting Blood Sugar)
Description : Blood sugar is the amount of glucose in the blood. Glucose, transported via the bloodstream, is the primary source of energy for the body’s cells. Failure to maintain blood glucose in the normal range leads to conditions of persistently high (hyperglycemia) or low (hypoglycemia) blood sugar. Diabetes mellitus, characterized by persistent hyperglycemia of several causes, is the most prominent disease related to failure of blood sugar regulation.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Patient needs to undergo 8-10 hours fasting.
Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : Gram Stain
Description : Gram Stain is a staining method used for differentiating bacterial species into two large groups, gram negative and gram positive bacteria thru microscopic examination.
Specimen Needed : any human specimen submitted to the lab
Preparation : None
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : H. Pylori IgG/IgM (Helicobacter pylori IgG/IgM)
Description : Helicobacter pylori test is used in the diagnosis of patients with duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer. H. pylori IgG indicates past or recent infection. H. pylori IgM infection indicates recent infection.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : HbA1c
Description : The HbA1c test (Hemoglobin A1c test, glycated hemoglobin A1c test, glycohemoglobin A1c test, or A1c test) is a lab test which reveals average blood glucose over a period of two to three months. Specifically, it measures the number of glucose molecules attached to hemoglobin, a substance in red blood cells.
Specimen Needed : Whole Blood in EDTA tube
Preparation : Collect whole blood in EDTA tube (lavender top). Thoroughly mix the blood with additives by gently inverting the tubes eight times. Maintain the specimen at room temperature or on cool packs before submitting to the laboratory. Never freeze whole blood. Avoid submitting clotted specimen, under filled or overfilled (not proportion to anticoagulant), hemolyzed specimen and dilution of blood in IV fluids are also not acceptable.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : VIROLOGY
Test Name : HBc Ab IgG/IgM (Hepatitis B Virus Core Antibody)
Description : Hepatitis B Virus Core Antibody Primarily to screen for and diagnose acute or chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, to detect a previous, resolved hepatitis B infection, or sometimes to guide and monitor treatment.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : VIROLOGY
Test Name : HBe Ab (Hepatitis B Virus Envelope Antibody)
Description : Hepatitis B Virus Envelope Antibody is a test used to to screen for and diagnose acute or chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, to detect a previous, resolved hepatitis B infection, and to assess response to treatment.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : VIROLOGY
Test Name : HBe Ag (Hepatitis B Envelope Antigen)
Description : Hepatitis B Envelope Antigen is a test used to screen for and diagnose acute or chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, to detect a previous, resolved hepatitis B infection, or sometimes to guide and monitor response to treatment.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : VIROLOGY
Test Name : HBs Ab
Description : Anti-HBs is a specific antibody that is directed against the Hepatitis B surface antigen. Anti-HBs can be formed following a Hepatitis B infection or after Hepatitis B vaccination. Antibodies are formed against the HbsAg determinant, which is common to all subtypes, and against subtype-specific determinants. Anti-HBs tests are used within the scope of hepatitis B vaccination to check the necessity and success of vaccination. In addition, Anti-HBs test are used to monitor the course of the disease following acute hepatitis B infection.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : HBV DNA Viral Load (Real-Time PCR)
Description : Highly sensitive and quantitative test used to confirm Hepatitis B Virus positive results from screening or indeterminate results from other methodologies as well as for monitoring response to therapy for chronic patients.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 mL SERUM (SST/Red Top/Plain Tube) or EDTA PLASMA
Preparation :
Serum: Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST. If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample. If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
EDTA Plasma: collect whole blood in EDTA tube. Centrifuge. Transfer plasma in cryovials or sterile tubes. Freeze samples. Avoid hemolysis.
Running Day : Tuesdays (Cut-off: Monday)
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : HCV Ab (Hepatitis C Virus Antibody)
Description : Hepatitis C Virus Antibody is the first-line screening test for detection of acute and chronic Hepatitis C.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : HE 4 (Human Epididymal Protein 4)
Description : HE 4, Ovarian Cancer Monitoring is a tool that physicians may use alone or with the Cancer Antigen 125 (CA 125) blood test. Human epididymal protein 4 (HE 4) is a biomarker that is highly elevated in epithelial ovarian cancer and has been shown to be involved in ovarian cancer cell proliferation and invasion. HE 4 increases the sensitivity of CA125 in the detection of ovarian cancer in patients presenting with pelvic mass. Among women presenting with pelvic mass, the combined use of HE 4 and CA 125 using ROMA (Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm) can increase the sensitivity and specificity of detecting ovarian cancer – even stages I/II ovarian cancer – than CA 125 alone. In addition, HE 4 complements CA 125 in identifying patients with disease recurrence and disease progression.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Friday (cut-off: Thursday)
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : This includes Anti-HAV IgM, HBcAb, HBeAb, HBeAg, HBsAb and HBsAg. This gives a complete line of test to diagnose hepatitis status.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : HS-CRP (High Sensitive C-Reactive Protein)
Description : HS-CRP determines relative risk of first cardiovascular event in asymptomatic individuals.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : Microscopic examination of a biopsy or surgical specimen by a pathologist, after the specimen has been processed and histological sections have been placed onto glass slides. This is the most important tool of the anatomical pathologist in routine clinical diagnosis of cancer and other diseases.
Specimen Needed : Biopsy samples
Preparation : CALL LAB
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 1 to 2 weeks
Category : SEROLOGY
Test Name : HIV I,II SCREENING (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
Description : Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a retrovirus, identified as the etiologic agent for the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. It has two subtypes HIV I and HIV II.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Patient should undergo or receive HIV counseling before sample collection and upon release of results. Call laboratory for other details.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : SEROLOGY
Test Name : HSV 1 IgG/IgM HSV 2 IgG/IgM (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS 1 or 2)
Description : This test aids in the diagnosis of past or current infection to Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and or 2. HSV1 and 2, however, are virtually identical.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : CHEMISTRY
Description : Serum ferritin, other than a bone marrow examination, is the most reliable indicator of total body iron stores.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : HORMONES
Description : Measurement of Human Growth Hormone is primarily of interest in the diagnosis and treatment of various forms of inappropriate growth hormone secretion. Growth hormone measurements in children are used in the evaluation of short stature and help differentiate low GH production form other sources of growth failure.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Patient should undergo fasting and at complete rest at for least 4 hours prior to a stimulation or suppression test. No isotopes administered within the last 24 hours prior to venipuncture. Specimen must be sent within 48 hours after collection.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : IgE
Description : Immunoglobulin E (IgE) is used for the diagnosis of allergic diseases.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : HORMONES
Test Name : INSULIN
Description : This test is used as an aid in the diagnosis of glucose metabolism control.
Specimen Needed : Serum
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Ideally, patient should undergo fasting for 7 hours and avoid radioisotopes prior to collection of specimen.
Running Day: Every Wednesday (cut-off Tuesday)
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : This is used for the differentiation of primary hyperparathyroidism from other (non-parathyroid-mediated) forms of hypercalcemia, such as malignancy, sarcoidosis and thyrotoxicosis. This test is the most specific way of making the diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : Ionized calcium is calcium that is freely flowing in your blood and not attached to proteins. It is also called free calcium. All cells need calcium in order to work. Calcium helps build strong bones and teeth. It is important for heart function, and helps with muscle contraction, nerve signaling, and blood clotting.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM (Collect serum anaerobically in SST)
Preparation : Collect whole blood in SST tubes (yellow top with gel separator). Once clotted, centrifuge the tube until red cells have settled in the bottom, gel separator in the middle and serum on top. Do not attempt to open the tube nor transfer the serum in a separate tube. Sample must be transported within the day in 2-8°c and processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : IRON, Serum
Description : Iron and Total Iron-Binding Capacity (TIBC) are measured together to identify how much Iron is being carried in the blood. In persons with anemia, these tests can help to determine whether it is due to iron deficiency or another cause, such as chronic illness.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Specimen should be drawn fasting in the morning (circadian rhythm affects iron; levels are lower in the evening). Sample should be drawn before patient is given therapeutic iron or blood transfusion. Iron determinations on patients who have had blood transfusions should be delayed several days. Relay to laboratory if patient received medications for iron deficiency.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : KOH (Potassium hydroxide)
Description : KOH is a test used to determine presence of dermatophytes or any fungal elements in a specimen.
Specimen Needed : Skin / Hair / Nails / Skin Scraping / Others
Preparation : CALL LAB
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase)
Description : To help identify the cause and location of tissue damage in the body and to monitor its progress; LDH is elevated in a wide variety of conditions, reflecting its widespread tissue distribution; historically, it has been used to help diagnose and monitor a heart attack, Also known as: LD, Lactate dehydrogenase, Lactic dehydrogenase, Total LDH, and LDH isoenzymes
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : SEROLOGY
Description : This test is aid to diagnose Leptospirosis infection. The clinical manifestations of leptospirosis range from a mild catarrh-like illness to icteric disease with severe liver and kidney involvement.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : HORMONES
Test Name : LH (Luteinizing Hormone)
Description : Luteinizing Hormone is used in the diagnosis of gonadal function and pituitary disorders.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : LIPASE
Description : Lipase is any enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of fats (lipids). Lipases perform essential roles in the digestion, transport and processing of dietary lipids (e.g. triglycerides, fats, oils) in most, if not all, living organisms. Genes encoding lipases are even present in certain viruses.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : LITHIUM
Description : This test measures the amount of lithium in the blood. Lithium is a drug that is used to treat bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a mental condition that is characterized by cycles of depression and mania. These cycles may be as short as a few days or weeks or may be months or years long. During a depressive episode, those affected may feel sad, hopeless, worthless, and lose interest in daily activities. They may be fatigued but have trouble sleeping, experience weight loss or gain, have difficulty concentrating, and have thoughts of suicide. During a manic episode, those affected may be euphoric, irritable, have high energy and grandiose ideas, use poor judgment, and participate in risky behaviors. Sometimes affected patients will have mixed episodes with aspects of both mania and depression. Bipolar disorder can affect both adults and children.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Draw sample 12 hours after the last dose of treatment. This ensures that the concentration is not representing the initial distribution phase.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : Abnormal levels of magnesium are most frequently seen in conditions or diseases that cause impaired or excessive excretion of magnesium by the kidneys or that cause impaired absorption in the intestines. Magnesium levels may be checked as part of an evaluation of the severity of kidney problems and/or of uncontrolled diabetes and may help in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : Malarial smear is a blood test used for the detection or presence of Malarial parasites namely Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malariae and other Plasmodium species. Malaria is considered to be a life-threatening disease.
Specimen Needed : EDTA tube and blood smears
Preparation : Submit one tube EDTA whole blood, together with a thick smear and thin blood smear (two slides)
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 1 to 2 weeks
Test Name : MEASLES IgG/IgM
Description : This test aids in the diagnosis of Measles infection. Measles is an acute, highly contagious viral disease. Although measles is usually considered a childhood disease, it can be contracted at any age. Measles IgG indicates past or recent infection. Measles IgM indicates recent infection.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : CHEMISTRY
Description : A microalbumin test checks urine for the presence of a protein called albumin. Albumin is normally found in the blood and filtered by the kidneys. When the kidneys are working properly, albumin is not present in the urine. However, when the kidneys are damaged, small amounts of albumin leak into the urine. This condition is called microalbuminuria. Microalbuminuria is most often caused by kidney damage from diabetes. However, many other conditions can lead to kidney damage, such as high blood pressure, heart failure, cirrhosis, or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). If early kidney damage is not treated, larger amounts of albumin and protein may leak into the urine.
Specimen Needed : 2 to 10 mL Urine
Preparation : Obtain fresh midstream clean catch urine in sterile leak proof container. Submit 2 to 10 ml. Specimen must be processed within 24 hours. Refrigerate at 2-8⁰C if delayed. Do not freeze.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : MUMPS IgG
Description : The mumps virus is a member of the Paramyxoviridae family of viruses, which include parainfluenza virus serotypes 1-4, measles, respiratory syncytial virus, and metapneumovirus. Mumps is highly infectious among unvaccinated individuals and is typically transmitted through inhalation of infected respiratory droplets or secretions. IgG-class antibodies to mumps virus may be present in serum specimens from individuals who have received blood products within the past several months, but have not been immunized or experienced past infection with this virus.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Saturday (cut-off: Friday)
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : Clinical Chemistry
Test Name : NT-proBNP (N-Terminal proBNP)
Description :
A test for B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) or N-terminal pro b-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) is primarily used to help detect, diagnose, and evaluate the severity of heart failure.
It can be used, along with other cardiac biomarker tests, to detect heart stress and damage and/or along with lung function tests to distinguish between causes of shortness of breath.
NP and NT-proBNP are substances that are produced in the heart and released when the heart is stretched and working hard to pump blood.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : FOBT (Fecal Occult Blood Test)
Description : Occult blood is a test used to determine presence of blood in the stool. A positive result suggests bleeding in any part of the gastrointestinal tract.
Specimen Needed : Pea-size stool specimen in sterile container. Refrigerate if to be tested beyond one hour after collection. Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection.
Preparation : None
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : OGTT /OGCT (Oral Glucose Tolerance/Challenge Test)
Description : Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) measures the body’s ability to use a type of sugar, called glucose, that is the body’s main source of energy. This can be used to diagnose prediabetes and diabetes, and is most commonly done to check for diabetes that occurs with pregnancy (gestational diabetes).
Patient Preparation : OGTT (fasting): Patient should have adequate food intake (150 g/day carbohydrate diet) for 3 days prior to test. Patient should be ambulatory and have unrestricted physical activity. Discontinue hormones and hypoglycemic drugs, if possible, prior to test. Patient should fast at least 8 hours but no more than 12 hours. No smoking for 8 hours before or during the test. Patient should not be stressed.
Samples will be taken as follows:
If blood is not collected using sodium fluoride/gray top-tube (e.g. red top tube), Glucose will drop 5-10 mg/dl per hour if unseparated at room temperature. Label samples accordingly. Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Specimen Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : CYTOLOGY
Test Name : PAP SMEAR (Papanicolaou stain)
Description : This a way to examine cells collected from the cervix (the lower, narrow end of the uterus) with the purpose of detecting cancer or abnormal cells that may lead to cancer. It can also find non-cancerous conditions, such as infection and inflammation.
Specimen Needed : Pap smear collected on 2 frosted slides
Preparation : No sexual contact at least a day before the specimen collection. Note (LMP) Last Menstrual Period in the laboratory request form. Label frosted end of slide with patient name and date of birth.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 1 to 2 weeks
Test Name : Peripheral Blood Smear
Description : Blood smear is a thin layer of blood smear, stained and evaluated under the microscope. This test is used to evaluate hematological problems and is also used to check presence of parasites in the human blood.
Specimen Needed : EDTA whole blood with smears (1-2 slides)
Preparation : Collect whole blood in EDTA or lavender tube. Improper tube, clotted, under filled, overfilled, hemolyzed specimen and dilution of blood with I.V. fluid are rejected. Submit freshly collected whole blood in EDTA tube and (2) well-made blood smears. Attach CBC result if there’s any. Include CBC in the requisition if there’s no CBC done.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 1 to 2 weeks
Description : Phosphorus testing is very important in people who are malnourished or who are being treated for ketoacidosis. Phosphorus testing is used to help diagnose and evaluate the severity of conditions and diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract, interfering with the absorption of phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. Testing also can help to diagnose disorders that affect the kidneys, interfering with mineral excretion and conservation, and phosphorus levels are carefully monitored in people with kidney failure.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation :
Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Ideally, patient should be fasting. Phosphorus levels are lower following meals. Specimen must be sent and processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : Potassium testing is frequently ordered, along with other electrolytes, as part of a routine physical exam. It is used to detect potassium concentrations that are too high (hyperkalemia) or too low (hypokalemia). The most common cause of hyperkalemia is kidney disease, but many drugs can decrease potassium excretion from the body and result in this condition. Hypokalemia can occur if you have diarrhea and vomiting or if you are sweating excessively.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Specimen Needed : 2 to 10 mL URINE (Random)
Preparation : First morning urine is preferred. Collect “midstream clean-catch” sample. Place specimen in sterile container. Transport specimen to the laboratory as soon as possible after collection. If the specimen cannot be processed immediately, it should be refrigerated. Refrigeration preserves formed elements in the urine, but may precipitate crystals not originally present. Examination is best done on freshly voided, warm urine. Specimen delayed in transport, fecal contamination, decomposition and/or bacterial growth will be rejected. Specimen must be sent and processed within 24 hours after collection.
Specimen Needed : 2 to 10 mL URINE (24-Hour)
Preparation : If the specimen is a 24-hour collection, Instruct the patient to void at 8am and discard the specimen, then collect all urine including the final specimen voided at the end of the 24-hour collection period (i.e., 8 am the next morning). Keep specimen on ice during collection. container must be properly labeled. Requisition should indicate date and time of collection. Incomplete collection will be rejected. Specimen must be sent and processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : Procalcitonin (PCT) is a peptide precursor of the hormone calcitonin, the latter being involved with calcium homeostasis. The level of procalcitonin rises in a response to a pro inflammatory stimulus, especially of bacterial origin. Procalcitonin test may be used, along with other tests and examinations, to help detect or rule out sepsis in a seriously ill person. The procalcitonin test may be used to help: Determine the risk that a critically ill person will progress to severe sepsis and septic shock, or the risk of the person dying.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : HORMONES
Description : Progesterone is used in the assessment of ovarian function, abnormal pregnancy and detection of progesterone-secreting tumors.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : HORMONES
Description : Prolactin is used in the diagnosis and management of pituitary adenoma. It is also used in the differential diagnosis of male and female hypogonadism.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST. If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample. If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen. Patient should be fasting; no recently administered radioisotopes between 8:00 am and 10:00 am. Keep specimen on ice. Prolactin secretion is inhibited by levodopa, dopamine, bromocriptine and thyroid hormones. It is influenced by estrogens and antihypertensives. Ideally, sample must be collected within 2-4 hours after patient has woken up.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : 24-hour urine protein measures the amount of protein excreted in urine over a 24-hour period.
Specimen Needed : Urine
Preparation : If the specimen is a 24-hour collection, instruct the patient to void at 8am and discard the specimen, then collect all urine including the final specimen voided at the end of the 24-hour collection period (i.e., 8 am the next morning). Keep specimen on ice during collection. Container must be properly labeled. Requisition should indicate date and time of collection. Incomplete collection will be rejected. Specimen must be sent and processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : CHEMISTRY
Test Name : PROTEIN (Total, Albumin, Globulin)
Description : Total serum protein test measures the total amount of protein in the blood. Two major groups of proteins in the blood are albumin and globulin. Albumin is made mainly in the liver. It helps keep the blood from leaking out of blood vessels. Albumin also helps carry some medicines and other substances through the blood and is important for tissue growth and healing. Globulin is made up of different proteins called alpha, beta, and gamma types. Some globulins are made by the liver, while others are made by the immune system. Certain globulins bind with hemoglobin. Other globulins transport metals, such as iron, in the blood and help fight infection. Serum globulin can be separated into several subgroups by serum protein electrophoresis.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : PT (Prothrombin Time) with INR
Description : Prothrombin time (PT) is a screening test for abnormalities of coagulation factors that are involved in the extrinsic pathway. This is also used to monitor effects of Coumadin anticoagulants and to study patients with hereditary and acquired clotting disorders. International Normalized Ratio (INR) applies to patients not on anticoagulant therapy.
Specimen Needed : Plasma (Sodium citrate tube/Blue Top)
Preparation :
Submit freshly collected plasma sample.
Collect whole blood in 3.2% SODIUM CITRATE TUBE (BLUE TOP) in the stated tube volume. Thoroughly mix the blood by gently inverting 3-4 times immediately after blood draw. Centrifugation should be performed within 1 hour of collection. Plasma should be removed within 1 hour of collection. TRANSFER PLASMA INTO A PLASTIC TUBE USING A PLASTIC PASTEUR PIPETTE OR PIPETTE TIP. DO NOT USE GLASS TUBES OR GLASS PASTEUR PIPETTE AS GLASS CAN ACTIVATE THE CLOTTING CASCADE. LABEL EACH TUBE “PLASMA.” IF YOU ARE REQUESTING OTHER TESTS THAT REQUIRE SERUM, PLEASE LABEL THE TUBE AS “SERUM.”
Running Day : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : RA FACTOR
Description : Rheumatoid factor is commonly used as a blood test for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid factor is present in about 80% of adults (but a much lower proportion of children) with rheumatoid arthritis.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : Random Blood Sugar
Description : RBS is a blood sugar test taken from a non-fasting subject. This test, also called Random Blood Glucose (RBG), assumes a recent meal and therefore has higher reference values than the fasting glucose test.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : Reticulocyte count is a blood test that measures how fast red blood cells called reticulocytes are made by the bone marrow and released into the blood. This test is used to evaluate erythropoietic activity.
Specimen Needed : Whole blood (EDTA tube/lavender top, volume based on manufacturer’s specifications)
Preparation : Collect blood via venipuncture in a 2mL EDTA tube. Mix thoroughly using figure of eight motion. Specimen must be processed within 24 hours from the time of collection. Improper tube, clotted, underfilled / overfilled, hemolyzed specimen and dilution of blood with IV fluids will not be accepted. AVOID USING MICROTAINER.
Running Day : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 hr
Description : Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology. Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease characterized by chronic proliferation and inflammation of joint cartilage and supporting structures. IgG rheumatoid factor has been reported to be present in sera of patients with rheumatoid arthritis both with and without IgM rheumatoid factor activity.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : RUBELLA IgG/IgM
Description : This test aids in the diagnosis of Rubella infection. Rubella is usually a mild disease with infrequent complication. Rubella infection can lead to congenital rubella syndrome. It is a test usually required in pregnant women, as infection may lead to miscarriage, stillbirth or the birth of an infant with abnormalities. Rubella IgG indicates past or recent infection. Rubella IgM indicates present infection.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : This test is used to assess infection to Salmonella typhi, the causative agent of typhoid fever. Typhoid is a contagious infection of the intestines that affects the whole body. Salmonella IgG indicates past or recent infection to Salmonella typhi. Salmonella IgM indicates recent infection to Salmonella typhi.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : SGOT
Description : Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, an enzyme that is normally present in liver and heart cells. SGOT is released into blood when the liver or heart is damaged. The blood SGOT levels are thus elevated with liver damage (for example: viral hepatitis) or with an insult to the heart (for example: from a heart attack). Some medications can also raise SGOT levels. SGOT is also called aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : SGPT
Description : Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (SGPT), an enzyme that is normally present in liver and heart cells. SGPT is released into blood when the liver or heart is damaged. The blood SGPT levels are thus elevated with liver damage (for example: from viral hepatitis) or with an insult to the heart (for example: from a heart attack). Some medications can also raise SGPT levels. Also called Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT).
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : SODIUM
Description : Sodium testing is used to detect hyponatremia or hypernatremia associated with dehydration, edema, and a variety of diseases. Your doctor may order this test, along with other electrolytes, to screen for an electrolyte imbalance. It may be ordered to determine if a disease or condition involving the brain, lungs, liver, heart, kidney, thyroid, or adrenal glands is causing or being exacerbated by a sodium deficiency or excess. In patients with a known electrolyte imbalance, a blood sodium test may be ordered at regular intervals to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. It may also be ordered to monitor patients taking medications that can affect sodium levels, such as diuretics.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : THYROID
Test Name : T3 (Triidothyronine)
Description : Triiodothyronine (T3) is the hormone principally responsible for the development of the effects of the thyroid hormones on the various target organs. The determination of T3 is utilized in the diagnosis of T3-hyperthyroidism, the detection of early stages of hyperthyroidism and for indicating a diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis factitia.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : T4 (Thyroxine)
Description : Thyroxine (T4) is the main product secreted by the thyroid gland. The determination of T4 can be utilized for hyperthyroidism, primary and secondary hypothyroidism and for TSH-suppression therapy monitoring.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : HORMONES
Description : This test checks the androgen level in male blood. This is also used to aid in the diagnosis of male infertility, erectile dysfunction, male osteoporosis, prostate cancer and for women having irregular menstrual periods resulting from hormonal imbalance.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : This test aids in the diagnosis of patients with goitrous thyroiditis, atrophic thyroiditis and Grave’s disease. Thyroglobulin (Tg) antibodies may also be found in patients with primary hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, simple goiters and thyroid tumors.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 mL SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : TIBC (Total Iron Binding Capacity)
Description : TIBC is a laboratory test that measures the blood’s capacity to bind iron with transferrin. TIBC is requested alongside Human Ferritin and Iron. MUST BE REQUESTED WITH SERUM IRON AND UIBC.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Patient must undergo fasting for at least 8-10 hours.
Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : This includes antibodies to Toxoplasma, Rubella, CMV, Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and Herpes Simplex Virus 2. Test panel could be TORCH IgG, TORCH IgM or TORCH IgG and IgM. This provides a complete diagnostic test for different immunologic infections.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : TOTAL PSA (Total Prostate Specific Antigen)
Description : A Total Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) test measures the amount of Prostate-Specific Antigen in the blood. PSA is released into a man’s blood by his prostate gland. Healthy men have low amounts of PSA in the blood. The amount of PSA in the blood normally increases as a man’s prostate enlarges with age. PSA may increase as a result of an injury, a digital rectal exam, sexual activity (ejaculation), inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis), or prostate cancer.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : This is used to assess toxoplasmosis in human serum. The main source of which is through direct contact with cat feces or from eating undercooked meals.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : The test is used to diagnose infection with syphilis in sexually active persons. Pregnant women also are screened, and many states in the U.S. require a blood test for syphilis when applying for a marriage license to prevent the spread of infection to others, especially on a newborn baby. A doctor may order the test if you have symptoms, such as a chancre (sore) on the genitals or throat.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : Triglycerides are the chemical form in which most fat exists in food as well as in the body. It is also present in blood plasma and, in association with cholesterol, form the plasma lipids. Triglycerides in plasma are derived from fats from foods or made in the body from other energy sources like carbohydrates. Calories ingested in a meal and not used immediately by tissues are converted to triglycerides and transported to fat cells to be stored. Hormones regulate the release of triglycerides from fat tissue so they meet the body’s needs for energy between meals.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection. Patient should fast a minimum of 8-10 hours ; maximum of 12 hours
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : TROPONIN I
Description : Troponin I assesses myocardial damage.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : TROPONIN T
Description : Troponin T assesses prognosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome.
Specimen Needed : Whole Blood (EDTA tube, volume based on manufacturer’s specification)
Preparation : Collect whole blood in EDTA tube (lavender top). Thoroughly mix the blood with additives by gently inverting the tubes eight times. Maintain the specimen at room temperature or on cool packs before submitting to the laboratory. Never freeze whole blood. Avoid submitting clotted specimen, under-filled or sample not proportion to the anticoagulant, hemolyzed specimen and dilution of blood in IV fluids. Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection. AVOID USING MICROCONTAINER.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
Description : Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is used to diagnose hypo- and hyperthyroidism, monitor T4-replacement or T4-suppressive therapy, and to quantify TSH levels in the sub-normal range.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : UIBC (Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity)
Description : UIBC is a test used for the quantitative determination of unsaturated iron binding capacity in human serum. The sum of serum iron and UIBC represents the TIBC (Total Iron Binding Capacity). TIBC is a measurement for the maximum iron concentration that transferrin can bind. The serum TIBC varies in disorders of iron metabolism. In iron-deficiency anemia, the TIBC is elevated and the transferrin saturation is lowered to 15% or less. Low serum iron associated with low TIBC is characteristic of the anemia chronic disorders, malignant tumors, and infections.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Specimen should be drawn fasting in the morning (circadian rhythm affects iron; levels are lower in the evening). Sample should be drawn before patient is given therapeutic iron or blood transfusion. Iron determinations on patients who have had blood transfusions should be delayed several days. Relay to laboratory if patient received medications for iron deficiency.
Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running Day : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) measures the amount of a waste product called urea in the blood. Urea is formed by the liver in the process of ridding the body of ammonia which is built up as protein you eat is broken down. It is normally excreted in the urine. If kidney function is impaired, the urea builds up in the blood. In general, the higher the urea the worse the kidneys are functioning.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : Uric acid is a chemical created when the body breaks down substances called purines. Purines are found in some foods and drinks, such as liver, anchovies, mackerel, dried beans and peas, beer, and wine. Most uric acid dissolves in blood and travels to the kidneys, where it passes out in urine. If your body produces too much uric acid or doesn’t remove enough if it, you can get ill. Serum uric acid measurements are useful in the diagnosis and treatment of gout, leukemia, psoriasis, starvation or other wasting conditions, and in patients receiving cytotoxic drugs.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection. Ideally, patient should be fasting. Diurnal variations occur. Uric acid concentration is usually higher in the morning and lower in the evening.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : Urinalysis is used as a screening and/or diagnostic tool because it can help detect substances or cellular material in the urine associated with different metabolic and kidney disorders.
Specimen Needed : First morning urine (midstream clean catch) sample is preferred. Place specimen in a sterile container. Transport specimen to the laboratory immediately after collection. Refrigerate samples if there will be delays in the processing. SUFFICIENT VOLUME OF URINE (30 -60 ML)
Preparation : For women – Prior to collection, clean the genitalia first. Spread the labia of the vagina and clean from front to back. For men, wipe clean the tip of the penis.
Running Day : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : In a random urine specimen, a protein/creatinine or protein/osmolality ratio can be used to roughly approximate 24-hour excretion rates. Test is used for evaluation of renal disease.
Specimen Needed : SUFFICIENT VOLUME OF URINE (2 -10 ML) in clean container
Preparation : Collect “midstream clean-catch” sample. Place specimen in sterile container. Transport specimen to the laboratory as soon as possible after collection. If the specimen cannot be processed immediately, it should be refrigerated. Refrigeration preserves formed elements in the urine, but may precipitate crystals not originally present. Examination is best done on freshly voided, warm urine. Specimen delayed in transport, fecal contamination, decomposition and/or bacterial growth is rejected. Specimen must be processed within 24 hours after collection.
Running Day : Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Test Name : Varicella IgG/IgM
Description : The determination of specific antibodies is the method of choice for confirmation of suspected infections (Varicella) or reactivations of (Zoster or shingles) with corresponding clinical symptoms. The determination of the immune status in early pregnancy and the investigation of successful immunization is possible by means of VZV-IgG antibodies.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day : Monday (Cut-off: Saturday)
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Category : SEROLOGY
Description : RPR is a screening test for syphilis that measures antibodies that can be produced by Treponema pallidum, the causative agent for syphilis.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Daily
Turn-around Time : 24 HR
Description : Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is made by the body after exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. Vitamin D can also be obtained by taking supplements and from eating certain foods. Vitamin D helps maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. It aids in the absorption of calcium, helping to form and maintain strong bones. Vitamin D also modulates neuromuscular, immune and other cellular functions. Vitamin D tests generally assess the total volume of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25OH-D), which is the form of Vitamin D circulating in blood. Vitamin D tests may also provide information on the levels of Vitamin D2 and D3, which comprise total Vitamin D levels.
Specimen Needed : MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml SERUM
Preparation : Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST.
If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample.
If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day : Thursday (cut-off: Wednesday)
Turn-around Time : 24 hours
Category: Hematology
Test Name: D-Dimer
Description: D-Dimer is used to help rule out clotting episodes and to help diagnose conditions related to thrombosis
Specimen Requirement: Submit freshly collected plasma sample. MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml.
Collect whole blood in 3.2 % sodium citrate tube (blue top) in the stated tube volume. Thoroughly mix the blood by gently inverting 3-4 times immediately after blood draw. Centrifugation should be performed within 1 hour of collection. Plasma should be removed within 1 hour of collection. Transfer plasma into a plastic tube using a plastic pasteur pipette or pipette tip. Do not use glass tubes or glass pasteur pipette. Label each tube “plasma.” If you are requesting other tests that require serum, please label the tube as “serum.”
Running Day: Daily
Turn-Around Time: 24 hours
Category: Immunology
Test Name: Anti-SARS-COV-2-S (ECLIA)
Description: An immunoassay test for the in-vitro quantitative determination of the amount of antibodies (including IgG) to the SARS‑CoV‑2 spike (S) protein receptor binding domain (RBD) in human serum.
Specimen Needed: Serum. MINIMUM OF 2.0 ml.
Preparation: Collect whole blood in a red top tube or SST. If using a red top, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Separate serum immediately and freeze the sample. If using SST, clot for 5-10 minutes and centrifuge. Do not separate the serum and store the sample in the refrigerator only. Do not freeze. Label the tube of patient’s complete name and birthdate. Avoid submitting lipemic or hemolyzed specimen.
Running Day: Tuesdays and Saturdays
Turn-around Time: 24-HR
Cut-off: Mondays and Fridays