Our Partners

ABC Laboratories - USA
American Bio-Clinical Laboratories is a Full Service Medical Laboratory in Los Angeles, California, USA with many years of experience in diagnostic medicine. We are committed to providing physicians with the highest level of quality, service, and dependability.
American Bio-Clinical Laboratories, Inc. was first established in Los Angeles, California, USA in 1984. ABC Laboratories is a growing clinical laboratory serving the greater Los Angeles Metropolitan area for over 31 years. It fulfills the requirements for the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA), participates in proficiency testing with the American Association of Bioanalysts (AAB) and College of American Pathologists (CAP), and is a member of the National Independent Laboratory Association (NILA).
American Bio-Clinical Laboratories, Inc. is certified nationally and licensed by the California Department of Health Services.
ABC Laboratorium – Indonesia
Amerind Bio-Clinic Laboratorium main clinical laboratory is known as the Central Laboratory in Indonesia. ABC Laboratorium provides a variety of laboratory tests which include complete examination from routine to high-tech examinations such as PCR.
Backed by professional management, advanced equipment and human resources that are competent in their field of expertise, and an International Medical Laboratory accreditation ISO 15189:2007 by the Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN), ABC Laboratorium provides the best, most reliable and quality services to all its customers.
ABC Laboratorium also offers a range of facilities that provide convenience to customers such as: Home Service, Internet Reporting with different language options, specimen collection through in-house courier service, and various services.

Advanced Diagnostic Vet Lab
The Advanced Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory (ADVL) is a full service referral laboratory that offers a wide range of animal disease diagnostic services to veterinarians, livestock producers, pet owners, and biomedical researchers.
An affiliate of the American Bio-Clinical Laboratories, International established in 1999, ADVL is committed to delivering quality services from specimen pick-up to delivery of results.
Consistent to the quality standards and policies of ABC Laboratories, Int’l., Advanced Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratories (ADVL) uses State-Of-The-Art, fully automated and interfaced laboratory equipment which enables us to provide you with fast and indisputable results within 24-hours turnaround time on all general tests.
Our exclusively designed Laboratory Information System (LIS) efficiently manages all laboratory reports to include; Report storage and archiving, electronic transmittal of results through fax, e-mail, and real time on-line reporting system with language translations in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Bahasa Indonesia.
Our friendly Client Service Specialist are readily available to answer and assist you in your needs. Our courteous couriers are fully trained to pick-up and carefully transport specimen and deliver reports within the approved turn-around time.
For information or inquiries you may contact our Client Service Department at:
Telephone: (02) 850-1861
Fax: (02) 850-1502
Mobile: 09178835719
Email: dvlabs@www.abclab.com.ph